When paying by money order or cheque, or when submitting a purchase order, you should use
the registration form provided in the “Registration Form” document.
To simplify the registration process for Gif•gIf•giF we have entered into an agreement with Kagi Software. Kagi Software accepts registration payments for Gif•gIf•giF (in a variety of forms) and then forwards the payments to us, after removing a small processing fee.
Single-user licenses of Gif•gIf•giF can be registered for US$28 each. For site licensing, please contact us directly at peda@peda.com.
To pay for Gif•gIf•giF open the accompanying Register program and follow the instructions shown. Be sure to include a way for us to contact you (preferably email), so that we can send you your registration code.
For example, to register via email using a credit-card:
1. Open the Register application.
2. Enter your name and email address - press tab to move between fields.
3. (optional) Enter your postal address.
4. Enter "1" to pay for one single-user license.
5. Select VISA or MasterCard for the payment method.
6. Enter the name on the credit card.
7. Enter the card number.
8. Enter the card's expiry date.
9. Select "Copy...".
10. (USA addresses only) Enter the address on the card.
11. Paste the clipboard's contents into an email to shareware@kagi.com
12. Send the email.
We will send the registration code to the email address given once we get a notice
of payment from Kagi Software. The usual wait is 1-3 days.